Student support

Our students are from all over the world, and bring a wide range of professional knowledge and expertise to enhance the experience of everyone on the programme.

As with all transitions in life, applying to and studying at a university can be both exciting and challenging – whether it is your first time at a university or you are returning to higher education. 

While you study with us you will be supported by the programme team, and have access to additional support and resources from across the University.

Once you enrol on the programme, you are also encouraged to contact your course tutors with any academic questions via the course discussion boards or via email. The student support officer and the Information Services Helpline can also assist with technical support.

University can be busy and stressful at times, this can in turn cause our state of wellbeing to fluctuate. We all have strategies for coping with ups and downs in life and it is important to continue using and revising these skills, to help support and maintain your wellbeing which is crucial to allow you to experience a positive and happy university journey.

There are many support services and opportunities for students to get in touch about areas they might be struggling with. To learn more about your options as a student with us, please visit our webpage for postgraduate students.

Link to Postgraduate Students webpage

Link to more information on how we support you