Encouraging autonomy and experiential reflection in a Student-led, Individually Created Course. Masters students are autonomous and experienced and require an innovative and autonomous curriculum.In our online MPH programme we offer an alternative to the traditional dissertation where you can apply your learning to your professional life. As one of the first MPH programmes in the UK to seek APHEA accreditation we have developed a postgraduate model of the Student-led, Individually Created Courses (SLICCs) where students design their own projects, set their own learning outcomes and reflect on their learning. In the postgraduate SLICC model, Masters students are asked to apply their programme learning to a public health issue of their choosing. The learning is often an innovation in their professional roles, for example changing national disability policy and influencing new approaches to the delivery of community pharmacy smoking cessation services. Graduate attributes are key in the course design and students are encouraged to disseminate their learning to other than academic communities to make a real difference.Our Dissertation Lead co-presented with one of our students, Stephen McBurney, presented on how we work with students to develop their SLICC’s, at the University of Edinburgh's Learning and Teaching Conference.Link to the recorded presentationTeaching Matters blog postStephen also describes the paralells in the digital format of this year’s University of Edinburgh (UoE) Learning and Teaching Conference and the SLICC course in the following blog post. In particular, Stephen highlights how the SLICC course develops the essential skills to engage a community of academics and peers via digital platforms. Link to Teaching Matters blogpost This article was published on 2024-05-13