Meet the team

Our team is drawn from the Clinical Trials community in Edinburgh and beyond. Each is a specialist with current experience in the field.


Core Team

Professor Stuart Ralston Programme  Director
Dr Afshan Dean Programme Manager
Dr Laura Stewart Programme Lecturer
Rebecca Sewell Programme Administrator

Teaching Team  

James Gibson Course Lead - Ethical and Regulatory Considerations in Randomised Control Trials
Aryelly Rodriguez Carbonell

Course Lead - Introduction to Randomised Control trials and Medical Statistics 

Judi Syson Course Lead- Principles of Clinical Trial Management
Carol Porteous Course Lead- Patient Public Involvement
Antonia Sophocleous Dissertation Coordinator
Giovanni Tramonti Course Lead- Introduction to Health Economics and Applied Health Economics
Hannah Ensor Course Lead- Trial Design
Maram Zahraa Course Lead - Clinical trials in Special Populations
Sarah Gregory Programme Tutor
Christina Mainka Programme Tutor