Student support

The University of Edinburgh has the welfare and wellbeing of students at its heart. Find out about our services and initiatives to support you and make you feel at home.

Student life

Even though you are not on campus in Edinburgh, there are lots of ways in which you can take part in student life and enjoy being part of our community.

See the  Online Students website for a taste of what is on offer to our global students.

Link to Online Students website


Welcome week

We organize many welcome events for when you join our university and our programme of study. Explore the range of resources, communities and information before you join us. 

Find out more information for new students


Library resources

As an online student you will have remote access to one of the world’s biggest online libraries.

Learn more about using our library


Institute of Academic Development (IAD)

The IAD helps and supports postgraduate students to succeed in their studies through delivery of online study skills workshops, self-study learning resources and general study advice. They also provide support, advice and tools to help with career development. Our programme works with the IAD to ensure maximum use of resources and the organisation of bespoke training tailored to student needs.

Find out more about IAD


Platform One

Feeling part of a community is really important to everyone at the University of Edinburgh.

Platform One is a meeting place, a community place and a discussion place. It is where the University of Edinburgh students, staff, alumni and volunteers can gather, inspire, support, encourage and share. Join our community and contribute to a university wide network. 

Link to Platform One


Mental health and wellbeing

Student wellbeing is a priority and whilst you study with us you will be able to access many resources to help you with your mental health and wellbeing. There are plenty of resources within our School and the University to provide support for students. 

Find out more about how we support mental health and wellbeing

Postgraduate students: The Wellbeing Thesis 

The Wellbeing Thesis is an online resource for postgraduate research students, supporting their wellbeing, learning and research. It includes advice, media resources and downloadable action plans. It is designed to support students through every stage of their postgraduate student journey. 

Link to the Wellbeing Thesis


Student Advisor

Our current students can also contact our Student Advisor if they have questions about study interruptions, special circumstances, extensions advice and application guidance, or need support for mental and physical wellbeing and registering with the Disability and Learning support service. You will be connected to our Student Advisor once you've matriculated.


Student representation

Effective student representation is a vital part of our teaching and learning to enhance the student experience. A programme student representative will be elected and will communicate regularly with teaching programme about any student concerns. A staff student liaison committee (SSLC) will be held each semester to discuss student feedback. The purpose of these meetings will be to discuss issues and good practice, but also to review feedback and work with students to monitor and improve the programme delivery and teaching content, as required. The student will set the agenda and chair the SSLC meetings.  

Find out more about how you can get involved


Usher Institute postgraduate e-journal club

The Usher postgraduate hub is launching a student-led online journal club for all students across all online programmes. The e-journal club will be an opportunity to consider and critique academic studies from a range of different academic disciplines (public health, family medicine, clinical trials, global health and data science). You will be able to access this resource when you become a student on our programme. 


After you graduate

Near the time of your graduation, you will be invited to join the Usher Institute Masters Alumni (UMA) network that seeks to explore a new way of engaging alumni that extends and champions the notion of life-long learning through collaboration between alumni, current students and staff. The UMA network hosts joint student, staff, and alumni events aimed at transferable ‘real world’ skills, such as dissertation publication workshops, soft skills on topics such as defeating imposter syndrome, and more.

Link to read more about the UMA network