The MSc Epidemiology is a three year part-time Masters course from the University of Edinburgh. It is 100% online and carries the same weight as our on-campus Masters courses.
For this online programme you can choose to complete:
- a one year postgraduate certificate - 60 credits
- a two year postgraduate diploma - total 120 credits
- three years of study to receive a Master’s degree - total 180 credits
We offer part-time study options for all of these awards and recommend a commitment of 10-15 hours of online learning per week.
Courses run during five-week (or occasionally 10-week) blocks, but there are no specific times that you have to attend class, which makes this programme ideal for those with commitments they need to work around.
Year 1Certificate in Epidemiology | You will take five core courses:
Year 2Diploma in Epidemiology | You will take two new core courses:
In the second half of the year, you will choose four elective courses from a diverse range of optional courses offered by the Epidemiology programme and other programmes within and outside the Usher Institute. These options include:
You will also have other relevant course options from Masters’ programmes in areas such as:
Year 3MSc Epidemiology | You will be supported to undertake a dissertation research project. All practical analytical learning is underpinned by training in R software, the primary statistical software used in epidemiological research. |