Detailed information on the structure of the programme including compulsory and elective courses The MSc Epidemiology is a three year part-time Masters course from the University of Edinburgh. It is 100% online and carries the same weight as our on-campus Masters courses.For this online programme you can choose to complete:a one year postgraduate certificate - 60 creditsa two year postgraduate diploma - total 120 creditsthree years of study to receive a Master’s degree - total 180 creditsWe offer part-time study options for all of these awards and recommend a commitment of 10-15 hours of online learning per week.Courses run during five-week (or occasionally 10-week) blocks, but there are no specific times that you have to attend class, which makes this programme ideal for those with commitments they need to work around.Year 1Certificate in EpidemiologyYou will take five core courses:Introduction to Epidemiology & StatisticsData Analysis with RIntermediate EpidemiologyEpidemiology for Public Health PracticeStatistical Modelling for EpidemiologyMore information about our core coursesYear 2Diploma in EpidemiologyYou will take two new core courses:Infectious Disease EpidemiologyResearch Design for EpidemiologyIn the second half of the year, you will choose four elective courses from a diverse range of optional courses offered by the Epidemiology programme and other programmes within and outside the Usher Institute. These options include:Advanced EpidemiologyAdvanced StatisticsIntroduction to Genetic and Molecular EpidemiologyData Visualisation: knowledge transferSystematic ReviewsIntroduction to Health PromotionIntroduction to Qualitative Research MethodsMigration & HealthNon-communicable Diseases in a Global ContextBig Data AnalyticsPython Programming for Health & Social CareYou will also have other relevant course options from Masters’ programmes in areas such as:Clinical Trials Clinical Trials (Online Learning)Data Science for Health and Social CarePublic HealthMore information about our Year 2 coursesYear 3MSc EpidemiologyYou will be supported to undertake a dissertation research project.All practical analytical learning is underpinned by training in R software, the primary statistical software used in epidemiological research.More information about the Year 3 dissertation This article was published on 2024-05-13