Postgraduate Students

More information for current postgraduate students.

Postgraduate Research and Teaching in the Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences is overseen by Directors.

Directors of Postgraduate Research and Teaching

Director of Postgraduate Research - Usher Institute Professor Jackie Price
Director of Postgraduate Research - IGC Professor Nick Gilbert
Director of Postgraduate Teaching Michelle Evans

The Director of Postgraduate Teaching has overview of all taught postgraduate courses in the Deanery, and chairs the Deanery Postgraduate Taught Steering Group.

More information

Postgraduate Research Degree Committee - Usher Institute

Postgraduate Studies Committee - IGC

Full list of postgraduate programmes in the Deanery

Codes of practice

Students and their supervisors must abide by the University's codes of practice at all times.

Academic Services Policies and Regulation

How we support you

How we support you