Find out more about the flexibility you will have while studying with us. Do I have to commit to the full three years right from the start? No - You can exit at the end of years 1 or 2 if you no longer wish to progress to the full Masters. Provided you have successfully completed all the courses you can graduate with a Certificate or a Diploma. What if I sign up for the Certificate but want to continue? If you have successfully gained the required credits it is very easy to progress to the next year. Just get in touch with the team. Can I take individual courses without signing up for a full year's study? Yes - we offer stand-alone courses in our Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) option. PPD is aimed at working professionals who want to advance their knowledge through a postgraduate-level course(s), without the time or financial commitment of a full Masters, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate. You may take a maximum of 50 credits worth of courses over two years through our PPD scheme. These lead to a University of Edinburgh postgraduate award of academic credit. Alternatively, after one year of taking courses you can choose to transfer your credits and continue on to studying towards a higher award on a Masters, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate programme. Any time spent studying PPD will be deducted from the amount of time you will have left to complete a Masters, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate programme. Find out more about the PPD option What happens if I need take a break for unforeseen reasons? You can take up to 24 months to complete each year of study. You have the option to interrupt or extend your period of study. it is vital that you contact the team as soon as possible to discuss your situation. You will be given contact details for the team after you matriculate. Do I need to pay for the whole course upfront? The University offers different options for payment of fees. Find out more about options for continuous or intermittent study All questions to do with fee payment must be directed to the Finance Helpline. The Programme Team is not in a position to discuss fee payment options with students. Go to our Fees and Funding page for more information Contact the Finance Helpline What if I can't complete the programme? If you are only able to complete some of the courses, any credits you have gained will be kept on your record. These may be used later if you want to return to study with the University of Edinburgh, or may be considered by other institutions as 'recognition of prior learning'. This article was published on 2024-05-13